BIL Illustrations

NADH-FAD Autofluorescence Properties

Fluorescence properties of free and bound NAD(P)H and FAD and how changes to the intensity and lifetime of each channel can report different metabolic processes.
-Rishyashring Iyer

Label-free Markers of  Neuronal Activity

A graphical representation of the various changes within neurons that have optical reporters measurable through label-free imaging.
- Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic Page 8

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
Finally! Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation! The electron has accepted its fate to be trapped in this state forever... At least until the experiment is done!  (9/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic Page 7

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
Whoa! Overcoming its fear, the electron learns to fight the photon using the photon's own powers against it! (8/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic Page 6

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
The perpetual misery of the electron! (7/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic Page 5

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
Turns out, the excess energy was inside the electron all along!  (6/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic Page 4

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
The electron does not like the dark and desolate higher energy state and yearns to return home closer to the nucleus!  (5/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic Page 3

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
A stray photon attacks the valence electron!  (4/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic Page 2

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
A valence electron is lonely by design eternally attracted to the nucleus, yet doomed to pine from afar!  (3/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic Page 1

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
The identity crisis of an electron! What else can you expect with all the negativity that it carries within!  (2/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Laser comic cover

A cry for help from an electron trapped in a laser: A graphic novel that describes the mechanism behind a laser.
Cover Page (1/9) - Rishyashring Iyer

Fox origami

What does the fox say? Photon photon photon!
-Edita Aksamitiene

Blank biology researcher

A biology researcher avatar for people who refuse to send photos for the website!
- Rishyashring Iyer

Combined plasma and otoscope

Combined plasma treatment and otoscope.
-Jungeun Won & Visualization Lab

3D neural environment

The 3D neural environment in a retina showing the layers of cells, stimulated by light.
Rishyashring Iyer

Single cell optogenetics of neurons

Optical stimulation of a single cell in a neural culture.
- Rishyashring Iyer

NADPH autofluorescence

The role of NADH in regulating metabolism and how autofluorescence lifetime can report the metabolic profile of the cell. 
- Rishyashring Iyer


The realm of Biophotonics

Ear drum dynamics

Automated diagnosis of middle-ear infections using OCT. 
- Jungeun Won & Visualization Lab at UIUC


Optogenetics and Optical control of neural activity