Portable Systems
Portable Systems
Portable OCT Systems
In order to introduce and fully utilize OCT in the clinical environment, significant engineering challenges must be addressed, including making the OCT system portable, making the acquisition software user-friendly, and making the beam-delivery systems compact and reliable. Recent advances in high speed OCT technology, coupled with miniaturization of beam delivery have made these portable systems feasible and more practical. We have and continue to develop portable OCT systems that are now routinely used in clinical settings such as the operating room, the procedure room, and the physician's office. Current our clinical systems enable high-resolution and real-time collection of 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D OCT data sets from animal and human tissues.
Portable clinical OCT systems (A, B) OCT system currently being used in operating rooms for the intraoperative assessment of tumor tissue during surgical resection. (C) LCI system for point of care diagnosis in middle ear. (D) OCT system having a versatile handheld imaging probe for primary care medicine.
LCI/OCT otoscopy
The enhanced otoscope was built by integrating LCI technique into a standard video otoscope to assist physicians in determining ear infection status. The video otoscope is used to guide the LCI beam to areas of interest on the tympanic membrane and also to record the locations of the LCI data. In addition, the LCI data provides quantitative information about the middle ear: the thickness of the eardrum, the growth process of bacterial biofilms, and the presence of effusion in the middle ears. This system is being used in clinic and acquiring human data.
Picture of the LCI otoscope system (a), design of LCI otoscope head (b,c), and sample otoscopy image (d) and LCI data of a human infected middle ear (e).
Jung W, Kim J, Jeon M, Chaney EJ, Stewart CN, Boppart SA. Handheld optical coherence tomography scanner for primary care diagnostics. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 58(3):741-744, 2011. | PubMed Abstract |
Picture of the enhanced OCT otoscope system and hand-held OCT probe. See Primary Care Imaging section for details.
Monroy GL, Sheton RL, Nolan RM, Nguyen CT, Novak MA, Hill MC, McCormick DT, Boppart SA. Non-invasive depth-resolved optical measurement of the tympanic membrane and middle-ear for differentiating otitis media. Laryngoscope, 125(8), E276–E282, 2015. | PubMed Abstract |
OCT ophthalmology
The OCT ophthamoscope enables one to visualize not only the surface of the anterior segment and retina of the eye, as a conventional ophthalmoscope does, but also cross-sectional structure using high speed OCT imaging technology. This instrument would permit new types of diagnostic data that can further improve the diagnostic accuracy and outcome of the initial patient visit.
Picture of the OCT ophthalmoscope system, its operation, and sample images of human retina and cornea.
Low-cost compact hand-held LCI probe
We have developed a low-cost hand-held LCI probe based on the principle of Linear OCT for primary care applications. The physical dimension of our hand-held probe was 25.4 cm × 16.5 cm × 5.1 cm and weighs around 708 g. The performance of the developed probe was compared with the state-of-the-art Fourier domain LCI system (refer LCI/OCI otoscopy section). The measured thickness of the in vivo finger skin and NDT samples had a good agreement with Fourier domain LCI system. Future direction of the project involves development of high-speed L-OCT probe and SD-OCT system.
Picture of the hand-held OCT system for primary care applications, and sample LCI data of double sided tape roll, pharmaceutical tablet and from in vivo finger skin.
Pande P, Shelton RL, Monroy GM, Nolan RN, Boppart SA. Low-cost hand-held probe for depth-resolved low-coherence interferometry. Biomed Opt Exp, 8(1):338-348, 2017. | n/a |